Academic Clubs:
1. Literary Club
It develops student's journalistic talents which find their creative application in writing, reading, and self-expression.
2. Science Club
Aims to enrich student's basic scientific knowledge and skill. It provides opportunities which lead to resourcefulness, inventiveness and creativity.
Aims to enhance student's basic mathematical concepts and skills through problem solving, games and drills. It also provides further opportunities for the application of mathematical learning to social situations and other curricular areas.
Non-Academic Clubs:
1. Glee Club
It aims to develop student's awareness and appreciation of music. Also develops self-confidence, good social relationships, leadership and discipline among members through participation in choral singing presentations.
2. Stage and Theater Arts Guild
CAG develops the talents of students in dramatic arts presentation of plays, choral recitations, chamber theater, hand mime and the like. It also enables the students to learn and apply the different techniques of stage production.
This program aims to teach, train, and transform the lives of the children in being excellent in character, intellectual competency, and God-given talents and skills, making a difference in their generation as well as the generations to come.
This is the student government where member-officers are trained to facilitate the organization effectively as leaders in their own right. It provides opportunity for the development of leadership skills.
Flash enables students to develop their talents in photography and arts. Members of this club can practice and apply their skills during school activities and events.
Contact us: (02) 8715 0976
Cellphone #: 09055487946

Originally housed at the former building of Grace Christian High School. The school was established in 1967 with Grace Bible Church (GBC) operating the school. Most of the Board members were also from GBC.
After obtaining government recognition, classes began in July 1967. Christian Academy of Manila opened with the following aims and objective: to meet the needs of an evangelical school; to be able to serve the Christian community; and above all, to educate students, through its ministry so that they may know the God of love.
An enrollment of 138 marked its first year of operation. Mr. Charles D. Cox, an American missionary and one of the organizers who strongly supported the move to open the school, was its first director and principal. Mrs. Rosalie Parreño supervised the elementary department during the first semester after which Mrs. Felipa G. Pizana took over after Mrs. Parreño left for the United States. The Board Trustees were composed of the following: Mr. John Z. SyCip, Chairman; Mr. Vivencio Araos, Vice Chairman; Atty. Amado K. Gaitos, Corporate Secretary; Mr. Charles Cox, Member.
After a couple of years, the CAM Glee Club had their first cantata in December, 1969, and soon after various performances in different schools and churches followed. Its first student delegation was sent on that October to a nation-wide confab (CMLI) in Baguio City, Philippines.
Several years of fruitful operation later, on the fateful day of February 14, 1984, just after the faculty and staff had their Valentine's Day Get Together, sounds of sirens startled the people of Nagtahan. The CAM building was on Fire! It took several years for the school to get back up again. It even went up to a point when the school was to be closed down (During the early 1990s). However, parents soon clamored for the reopening of classes and in 1992, funds were raised. In 1993, CAM re-opened with a one-storey, three room building. This building would then be replaced by a three-story, fifteen-room building and a one-story, four-room building.
On 2010, Christian Academy of Manila started construction on a two-story building that would house its covered basketball court, state-of-the-art multimedia room, H.E. room, computer-equipped library, and international-standard science laboratory.