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ADMISSION FOR S.Y. 2024-2025

Christian Academy of Manila is a learning institution founded on the truths of the Bible that will equip the 21st century generation to be Christ-centered, globally competitive, productive and responsible citizens of the world.



To be a Christian School of excellence, producing graduates who adhere to and manifest high ethical standards consistent with Christian values in all aspects for the glory of God.


We are committed to provide our students opportunities that would ensure excellence in spiritual, intellectual, emotional, physical and social development.

Kindergarten Admission Policy


Minimum of 4 years old are eligible to apply.


  • Birth Certificate

  • Two (2) copies of 2x2 colored ID pictures


  1. Submit all requirements to the Registrars office and an application form will be issued.

  2. Fill-out the application form.

  3. Submit the accomplished application form for the issuance of payment slip.

  4. Pay the entrance fee of 300.00 pesos at the Cashier. (Non-refundable)

  5. Present the entrance fee receipt and claim the result of the assessment.

Office Hours:

Monday to Friday

8:00 am to 4:00 pm

For further inquiries, you may call the Business Office 8715-0976 or Cell # 09055487946.


Other Grades Admission Policy


1.  Age Requirement

In determining the proper academic level in preschool, the age of the child is considered first.  An evaluation exam is then given to ascertain the readiness of the child to study for the said level.  However, for the elementary and high school, grade qualification comes first.  This means that an incoming student who has successfully completed First Year, for instance, will be admitted to Second Year, regardless of his age.


2.  Required Documents to be Submitted

All student transferees (except for Prep) are required to submit the following documents and to pass the evaluation exam prior to enrollment:


For Local Students

  1. Photocopy of birth certificate (preferably NSO copy)

  2. Photocopy of previous Report Card or Form 138

  3. Two (2) copies of 2 x 2 colored ID pictures

  4. Good Moral Character


For Foreign Students

  1. Special Study Permit or SSP

  2. Photocopy of Birth or any other equivalent

  3. Photocopy of Passport

  4. Previous school records authenticated and translated in English by their respective embassies (if applicable)


3.  Admission Guidelines

            CAM welcomes student transferees up to the second quarter granted that the student has started his/her formal schooling for the present school year and has sufficient records to present prior to acceptance. In cases, wherein the grading system of the previous school is not the same as that of CAM (e.g. narrative or descriptive) the student maybe accepted and be “temporarily enrolled” while CAM communicates with the previous school for the necessary conversion of the said grades.

            However, there are some instances where student transferees were able to finish their previous school level, but for any reason, were unable to start on time at the beginning of the present school year. This is especially true among students who wish to enter CAM at the middle or towards the end of the school year. With regards to this, the following guidelines shall apply:

All pertinent documents and requirements shall be submitted (i.e. records from the completed level) prior to admission and entrance examination.

             If the student applies at the start of the second quarter, it is made clear to the parent, through a written agreement, that the child will have to take graded remedial classes. The grade for the second quarter will then be credited as second quarter and the student’s first quarter grade will be from the remedial class grade.

Remedial classes are also required for preschool student applicants who enrolled anytime after the first quarter. The same policy applies to them similar to that of the grade school.

            Foreign applicants are required to enroll in the ESL program if its their first time to study in the Philippines, and if their entrance exam results will not meet the criteria for inclusion to regular class.

CAM may still accept student transferees for the Grade 6 or Fourth Year granted they have all the requirements, such as their previous school records.



Office Hours:

Monday to Friday

8:00 am to 4:00 pm

For further inquiries, you may call the Business Office 8715-0976 or Cell # 09055487946.

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