Academic Clubs:
1. Literary Club
It develops student's journalistic talents which find their creative application in writing, reading, and self-expression.
2. Science Club
Aims to enrich student's basic scientific knowledge and skill. It provides opportunities which lead to resourcefulness, inventiveness and creativity.
Aims to enhance student's basic mathematical concepts and skills through problem solving, games and drills. It also provides further opportunities for the application of mathematical learning to social situations and other curricular areas.
Non-Academic Clubs:
1. Glee Club
It aims to develop student's awareness and appreciation of music. Also develops self-confidence, good social relationships, leadership and discipline among members through participation in choral singing presentations.
2. Stage and Theater Arts Guild
CAG develops the talents of students in dramatic arts presentation of plays, choral recitations, chamber theater, hand mime and the like. It also enables the students to learn and apply the different techniques of stage production.
This program aims to teach, train, and transform the lives of the children in being excellent in character, intellectual competency, and God-given talents and skills, making a difference in their generation as well as the generations to come.
This is the student government where member-officers are trained to facilitate the organization effectively as leaders in their own right. It provides opportunity for the development of leadership skills.
Flash enables students to develop their talents in photography and arts. Members of this club can practice and apply their skills during school activities and events.
Contact us: (02) 8715 0976
Cellphone #: 09055487946
CHRISTIAN ACADEMY OF MANILA (CAM) uses Individualized Instruction and Cooperative Learning Approach in teaching different subject areas. Activities prepared are learner-centered, ensuring the learning styles of the students are being met.
CAM offers a unique experience that would make a difference in its student's life. The curricular program of CAM subscribes itself to the mandate of the K-12 Curriculum. It is however enriched with the Alpha-Omega Publications and Singaporean Curriculum which are integrated in all curricular programs. It also includes innovations to strengthen Math, Science and English through enrichment subjects and the consistent implementation of various clubs, addressing the multiple abilities of the students.
CAM curricular programs from Kinder to Grade 10 emphasizes Christian values, having the Bible as the heart of the curriculum. The teachers and staff are highly trained educators and mature Christians. The school caters to children of all nationalities irrespective of race, social status, color and culture as we hold to the belief that God loves everyone.
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