Academic Clubs:
1. Literary Club
It develops student's journalistic talents which find their creative application in writing, reading, and self-expression.
2. Science Club
Aims to enrich student's basic scientific knowledge and skill. It provides opportunities which lead to resourcefulness, inventiveness and creativity.
Aims to enhance student's basic mathematical concepts and skills through problem solving, games and drills. It also provides further opportunities for the application of mathematical learning to social situations and other curricular areas.
Non-Academic Clubs:
1. Glee Club
It aims to develop student's awareness and appreciation of music. Also develops self-confidence, good social relationships, leadership and discipline among members through participation in choral singing presentations.
2. Stage and Theater Arts Guild
CAG develops the talents of students in dramatic arts presentation of plays, choral recitations, chamber theater, hand mime and the like. It also enables the students to learn and apply the different techniques of stage production.
This program aims to teach, train, and transform the lives of the children in being excellent in character, intellectual competency, and God-given talents and skills, making a difference in their generation as well as the generations to come.
This is the student government where member-officers are trained to facilitate the organization effectively as leaders in their own right. It provides opportunity for the development of leadership skills.
Flash enables students to develop their talents in photography and arts. Members of this club can practice and apply their skills during school activities and events.
Contact us: (02) 8715 0976
Cellphone #: 09055487946

Develop a personal relationship and walk with the Lord Jesus Christ
Be a disciple grounded in God’s Word, love, and life
Critical and creative thinkers
Demonstrate practical application of academic concepts and skills in their everyday
Maximize their uniqueness to build confidence, leadership and teamwork leading to accountability towards each other, family, community and most of all God
Manifest the fruits of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23) in their dealing with their family, church, school and community
Will see their body as the temple of the Holy Spirit that will glorify God.


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Vibal Publishing puts premium on the excellence, hard work and dedication of its staff towards achieving the highest quality for its educational products and services.
LOCATED at San Miguel, Manila, Christian Academy of Manila prides itself with commitment in partnership with parents/guardians in providing the highest quality in Christian Education through innovative programs, relevant curriculum, quality service, and reliable support.
OUR CURRICULUM and multimedia presentations allow students to interact with their studies in a dynamic way. Lessons are infused with multimedia presentations designed to illustrate and reinforce concepts. Audio-video and slide shows let students see distant lands with their own eyes, listen to historical speeches…all in a day’s work. A focused learning system guides students step by step through lessons, enabling them to master new concepts before moving on to more challenging materials.
“Finally, brothers, we instructed you how to live in order to please God, as in fact you are living. Now we ask you and urge you in the Lord Jesus to do this more and more.”
Expound God’s Word | Cast God’s Light | Emulate God’s Love | Luminate God’s Life
Christian Academy of Manila is a learning institution founded on the truths of the Bible that will equip the 21st century generation to be globally competitive, Christ-centered, productive, and responsible citizens of the world.
To be a Christian School of excellence, producing graduates who adhere to and manifest high ethical standards with Christian values in all aspects for the glory of God.
We are committed to provide our students opportunities that would ensure excellence in Spiritual, Intellectual, Emotional, Physical and Social Development.
Learning Outcomes
We envision our students to cause significant change in their workplace; therefore, we will mold them to be the LIGHTHOUSE wherever God leads them.
L – Lead with accountability towards others, family, community and most of all God
I – Ignite self and others to do their best in all the tasks, whether big or small, assigned to them for God’s glory
G – Guide each other in their personal relationship and walk with the Lord Jesus Christ
H – Harbours the critical and creative thinkers within them
T – Teamwork will always be their advantage to the success of their task
H – Heed to God’s calling and purpose in their lives
O – Obey and acknowledge the Lord in all their ways
U – Uphold the teachings of the CAM grounded in God’s word in order to make a change in their workplace
S – Stand firm and be brave to whatever life brings them
E – Emit light that will manifest servant hood that will encourage humility and service towards each other and most of all unto God.